Monday, September 8, 2008

The heartbeat was a bust!

As of our last post we were suppose to hear the heartbeat of "little muffin" at our last appointment. With each new day I can tell this child will be more and more like it's father. Not only did our child run away from the heart beat monitor, I swear it was laughing at us. My OB/GYN chased it around my uterus for 15 minutes. So we got to hear about 2 seconds worth, not nearly enough to hit the record button the blackberry. We have our next appointment on 9/18 so with luck we will be able to hear the heart beat. I am sure "little muffin" will have less room to run this time and we will be able to get a recording.

I am already in week 14 and I am praying for magical week 16 to come quickly. For those who have never been pregnant or never had morning sickness, magical week 16 is suppose to be the week that the stars align and you feel like your normal self. My morning sickness has gave me a little bit of a reprieve but not much, like everything else you have your good days and bad even with the outrageous expansive miracle drug, Zofran. Knowing that I only have 6 more weeks til we find out what "little muffin" is gets me through the days.

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