I guess in the midst of all the blog business and baby business I forgot to tell my husband that we have a blog! After he found the link on my facebook, he was looking through our blog and after a few minutes of silence, he looked at me and said "I can't believe you put a picture of your vagina on the internet." I nearly died of laughter, as I soon realized he was refering to our ultrasounds. Men the way they think.....
Anyways, so here is another picture of our beautiful child. This picture was taken at our spina bifida ultrasound, so it wasn't a very sweet moment. After the results came back, we ohh and ahh some over the profile of our baby. I want everyone to notice the size of our baby's head, that doesn't come from my side of the family.......
October 20th, we find out the sex of the baby (if it cooperates) so we are taking estimations. We have heard from the official baby predictor, that we are having a boy. So what are your thoughts?