Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Life update!

I am terrible at updating this thing. Let's see where to start....

Baby Douglas
Baby Douglas is a boy! and what a boy he is (if you get my drift).We have settled on the name Jace and have recently started changing the middle name around. We are contemplating three middle names Rhys, Marshall, and Jaxon (Jackson). Personally, I would prefer Marshall as it has some meaning, it was my great-great grandfather's name and I think that it would be nice to re-use an older name that is dying out. Dave is torn.

I am doing well in the weight gain department, I am now 30 weeks and have only gained 9 lbs! The doctor is a little concerned, hence an ultrasound in 2 weeks. So our due date can change or I could have been just a good pregnant girl! Ok, I am not going to lie, I eat Oreos, ice cream Snickers and I go through about 3 gallons of milk a week by myself! I even try to eat a huge breakfast on days I have to go to the doctor. I am just not gaining weight and I swear I am trying. Dave has had to defend my eating habits to the doctor on more than one occasion. So the good news, I will pop this baby out and go home in my pre-pregnancy clothes! WOO HOO!

The baby shower is on January 26th and will be held at my parents house. I know we have tons of out of town family and they would like to send to gifts for Baby J. We are registered at Babies R Us and Target. Our Babies R Us registry has a ton of stuff on it (have you been to that store? I could stay all day long with my scanner. Its shopping and not spending money!) Please please check the registry prior to buying something, I am at the waddling stage and I don't want to have to waddle to the store to exchange things because I got (2). Also, if there is something not on our registry and you just would have died if you didn't have when you had a newborn, I WANT IT! :)

Coach Douglas
We received some news that Dave's graduate asisstant position with UH would not be renewed. They were not generally happy with his performance. Which is fine, if you can find someone else who practically slept at the office everyday and their performance is much more satisfying... go right ahead. We will move on (which was a part of our plan anyway) to bigger and better things. The news was a bit stunning considering Dave's work ethic and how hard he had worked. God has closed this door but will open a door/window soon. We should hear something soon about a job in Louisiana like around Jan 1st, so please pray this is the job for Dave. He would appreciate all of your prayers and thoughts and positive energy!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I can't believe.......

I guess in the midst of all the blog business and baby business I forgot to tell my husband that we have a blog! After he found the link on my facebook, he was looking through our blog and after a few minutes of silence, he looked at me and said "I can't believe you put a picture of your vagina on the internet." I nearly died of laughter, as I soon realized he was refering to our ultrasounds. Men the way they think.....

Anyways, so here is another picture of our beautiful child. This picture was taken at our spina bifida ultrasound, so it wasn't a very sweet moment. After the results came back, we ohh and ahh some over the profile of our baby. I want everyone to notice the size of our baby's head, that doesn't come from my side of the family.......

October 20th, we find out the sex of the baby (if it cooperates) so we are taking estimations. We have heard from the official baby predictor, that we are having a boy. So what are your thoughts?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Well we survived Hurricane Ike! Actually, it wasn't as bad as the media displayed. I stayed with my parents while Dave evacuated with the football team to Dallas. We lost power around midnight on Friday night and we had power restored on Sunday. My parents had very little damage, two rows of fencing down and just a little debris. We had just some debris and our rake is missing from our backyard. I often wonder if it ended up in someone's roof. Power was restored to the Douglas house on Tuesday after the hurricane. The Douglas and The Laytons were truly blessed and were shown favor by the Lord. There are some people still without power, please pray for them as the Houston heat has returned.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The heartbeat was a bust!

As of our last post we were suppose to hear the heartbeat of "little muffin" at our last appointment. With each new day I can tell this child will be more and more like it's father. Not only did our child run away from the heart beat monitor, I swear it was laughing at us. My OB/GYN chased it around my uterus for 15 minutes. So we got to hear about 2 seconds worth, not nearly enough to hit the record button the blackberry. We have our next appointment on 9/18 so with luck we will be able to hear the heart beat. I am sure "little muffin" will have less room to run this time and we will be able to get a recording.

I am already in week 14 and I am praying for magical week 16 to come quickly. For those who have never been pregnant or never had morning sickness, magical week 16 is suppose to be the week that the stars align and you feel like your normal self. My morning sickness has gave me a little bit of a reprieve but not much, like everything else you have your good days and bad even with the outrageous expansive miracle drug, Zofran. Knowing that I only have 6 more weeks til we find out what "little muffin" is gets me through the days.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

We're new to this.......

We started this blog to keep around friends and family around the world informed of the things going on in our lives. We found out on June 30, 2008 that we are expecting a little one in March. We are extremely excited and ready to jump into parenthood. We will be posting photos of Baby Douglas on here so everyone can keep up with the growth. I have attached a picture from our first ultrasound. On Monday we will go in for our second appointment to hear the baby's heart beat. I am going to try to make a recording with our cell phones and post it for everyone to hear.